Have you ever seen the films 9 1/2 weeks? I have, repeatedly! My customers seem to love it and whilst I am not a fan of the whole film, I do love the food bit! You know, where Mickey Rourke feeds blindfolded Kim Basinger all the different foods! Food and sex are closely connected, for me at least. Watching the way someone eats or drinks can be a real turn on when done correctly. For example, when I am dating a man I fancy, I always drink my cocktails with a straw. Seductive straw sipping can be an indication of what might be to come later!
And whilst I may be partial to strawberries between the bedsheets, I also like a fine dining experience when I am working as a UAE escort. Undoubtedly I have the best food knowledge of all the girls from any Dubai escort agency! I know what fine dining is and a really good date is when I get to share it with my clients. When a gentleman books my services, I always book the table and insist dessert is served in private!
After the vintage champagne has been flowing for some time, it is always good to do a little snacking. The location might determine the sexy snack available. Fruit is always a good choice. Strawberries, passion fruit and dragon fruit are among my favourites. Chocolate is also a winner, particularly melted! And as I am also particularly gifted at massage, the limits are endless.
Food is an important part of any date. If you are thinking of hiring escort services soon, then you might want to think about exactly what is on the menu – and don’t rush through dinner because the wait is always worthwhile!